
What You'll Learn:

Are you worried about saying the wrong thing or facing backlash?

This course is designed to tackle those fears head-on. With Viana Maya as your personal guide—your “pocket coach”—you’ll receive step-by-step strategies to navigate complex race and ethnicity conversations with confidence.

Break down the barriers of fear and uncertainty, and gain the practical tools to drive meaningful change in your organization, adaptable to all areas of DEI.

  • Interactive Learning & Up-to-Date Resources

    Immerse yourself in a dynamic learning environment with real-time discussions and interactive content led by Viana. Stay ahead with continuously updated resources that reflect the latest DEI trends and best practices.

  • Practical Tools & Expert Guidance

    Gain confidence with our clear, concise, and practical approach to DEI, delivered by Viana Maya, an industry expert who understands your unique challenges. Learn actionable strategies to drive impactful DEI initiatives in your organization.

  • Mastering Nuance: Terminology, Confidence, & Facilitation Skills

    Enhance your DEI conversations with Viana’s expertise and our comprehensive race and ethnicity terminology guide.
    Build confidence to lead inclusive dialogues and facilitate meaningful, engaging sessions that foster understanding and collaboration.

Course curriculum

    1. How to use this course platform

    1. Welcome to the Confident Conversation Course

    2. Before we begin...

    3. Beyond Label Practical Guide

    4. How to use the Insights in the Course and Guide in your organisation

    1. Introduction to the course content

    2. Discussion

    1. Introduction: Historical Context of Race and Ethnicity Terminology

    2. Resources for Historical Context

    3. Historical Timeline and It's connection to the Terminologies

    4. Test your learning

    5. Why is the historical context relevant to the present time

    1. Introduction to Understanding Importance of Nuance Race and Ethnicity Discussion in the Workplace

    2. Part 1 How Nuanced Understanding of Race and Ethnicity Enables Tailored Policies

    3. Part 2 Nuanced Understanding leads to Inclusive Dialogue

    4. part 3 Nuanced Advocay

    5. Close Of Nuance

    1. Lesson 1: Introduction to Fear of...

    2. Masterclass Webinar Part 2 Discussing Fear

    3. Lesson 2: Types of Common Personal Fear

    4. Group discussion Activity

    5. Strategies for Overcoming Fears

    6. Step by Step: Guide to Having Confident Conversations About Race and Ethnicity

    7. How to use Step by step Guide

About this course

  • £297.00
  • 27 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content

Discover your potential, starting today