Equip your team with actionable strategies and reflective questions to drive inclusivity.

Learn how to set and measure goals for DEI and antiracism progress to ensure tangible results.

View diversity through an intersectional lens and create an environment where all diverse groups thrive.

Empower Your DEI Journey with the Authentic Ally Training Guide

Discover 12 essential steps to achieving DEI and antiracism momentum. This pocket consultant provides solutions and reflective questions to proactively guide your organization towards inclusivity.

Meet Your Guide: A DEI Expert

I'm Viana Maya, dedicated to empowering organisations like yours on their DEI journey. With a passion for inclusivity, I've crafted this guide to help you navigate challenges and drive positive change throughout your workplace.

Take the First Step Towards Inclusivity

Join the movement towards a more diverse and equitable workplace. Download the Authentic Ally Training Guide now!