Take reflective and impactful actions to address community needs.

Highlight the realities of underemployed individuals in Scotland.

Promote career development and enforce accountability to attract diverse talent.

Dive into the Insights

The 'Untapped Talent: Hidden Opportunity in Scotland Report' sheds light on the underutilisation of ethnic minority talent, providing crucial recommendations for government, employability services, and organisations. Learn from real experiences and data to drive positive change.

This Report was community led

We thank the 15 community researchers led by Jzereel Consultancy. Without them we would not have reached 638 respondent and 108 Organisations. 

Transform Your Approach Today

Diverse teams are 35% more likely to outperform, and organisations with diverse leadership are 21% more likely to be profitable (McKinsey). Download the report to drive impactful change and support underrepresented individuals in Scotland. Step towards nurturing diversity and inclusivity, ensuring that talent is recognised and valued regardless of immigration status, ethnicity, or unrecognised qualifications. Make a difference today.